Future Plans

Beyond the alpha release, there are some future plans that will be implemented, depending on the time and resources available. These are some of the proposed features that may be included in the beta release in the second release.

Workcell Builder

Loading of custom environment objects

This feature allows users to upload already existing object_description folders available online, rather than having to always create objects from scratch whenever initializing a scene.

Multi robot support

Future updates will support adding multiple robots into the scene

Real Time Visualization of workcell building

3D visualization of the workcell will be included in the future for users to be able to visualize real time the changes made while in the GUI.

Grasp Planner

Cross gripper ranking system

Grasp planner will output the best rank across different gripper types

Grasp Execution

Eye In Hand support

Grasp Execution will support eye-in-hand configuration (camera attached to robot arm)