Download Instructions

One of the key features of this package it is semi-modular.

ROS projects generally revolve around usage of URDFs to setup an environment of a robotic workcell. Workcell Builder eases this process by implementing a GUI to generate your desired workcell environment and can be used for other projects as well!

Grasp Planner and Grasp Execution pipeline work hand in hand to provide a seamless pick and place solution with the workcell environment created by Workcell Builder.


Grasp Execution requires a robotic workcell to be set up, so do install the whole EMD package if a pick and place solution is what you’re looking for!

Installing a perception package

The Easy Manipulation Deployment(EMD) package, specifically Grasp Planner, subscribes to either a topic with PointCloud2 message type OR topics from easy_perception_deployment(EPD) package.


EMD is dependent on a perception source. If your camera driver does not provide any PointCloud2 message type topics, do check out the EPD package!

Here Grasp Planner Input Message Types is a link for more information to determine which perception input fits best for your requirements.

Installing complete Easy Manipulation Deployment suite

Installing Easy Manipulation Deployment dependencies


Follow this link Moveit2 to build Moveit2 from source.


The following Major EMD dependencies do not require to be built from source and will be installed with rosdep install in the steps below.

Pointcloud Library (PCL) | version: 1.10

The Flexible Collision Library (FCL) | version: 0.5

Installing only the Workcell Builder

mkdir -p ~/workcell_ws/src

cd ~/workcell_ws/src

git clone

mv easy_manipulation_deployment/assets/ .

mv easy_manipulation_deployment/scenes/ .

mv easy_manipulation_deployment/easy_manipulation_deployment/workcell_builder ./easy_manipulation_deployment

find ./easy_manipulation_deployment -mindepth 1 ! -regex '^./easy_manipulation_deployment/workcell_builder\(/.*\)?' -delete

cd ~/workcell_ws

source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash

rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -yr --rosdistro "${ROS_DISTRO}"

colcon build

source install/setup.bash

Installing entire Easy Manipulation Deployment package

mkdir -p ~/workcell_ws/src

cd ~/workcell_ws/src

git clone

mv easy_manipulation_deployment/assets/ .

mv easy_manipulation_deployment/scenes/ .

mv easy_manipulation_deployment/easy_manipulation_deployment/workcell_builder ./easy_manipulation_deployment

cd ~/workcell_ws

source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash

rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -yr --rosdistro "${ROS_DISTRO}"

source ~/ws_moveit2/install/setup.bash

colcon build

source install/setup.bash