
Naming Conventions

Following a standardized naming convention is highly recommended to avoid any issues with generating the workspace.

Description folders

Any folder that provides a visual representation of each object in scene should be named <name> _description

The current exception to this rule is the description folder for universal robots, which is currently stored as a folder named  ur_description that encapsulates all the current robot models

URDF folders

If the folder contains URDF files for description, it should be in a xacro format stored in the urdf folder, and named:

Robot <robot_model>.urdf.xacro

End effector <end_effector_model> _gripper.urdf.xacro

Environment objects <object_name>.urdf.xacro

moveit_config folder

All end effectors and robots should come with a moveit_config folder named <name> _moveit_config and should be located in the same directory as your robot/end effector description folders.

This folder should be generated using the Moveit Setup Wizard. However, the package generated is currently in ROS1, hence you must make sure that the package is converted into a ROS2 package if your workcell is run in ROS2